The Seminar on “Uncertainty and Decision – Making


Making decisions to yield optimal returns on the allocation of human and financial resources is a key component of most technical and managerial jobs. The Oil and Gas business revolves around making decisions in uncertain situations, often of a complex nature, whose consequences are not immediately obvious and which must be made with incomplete information and within time & budget constraints.

The Best-Performing CEOs in the World


A lot of people have blamed short-term thinking for causing our current economic troubles, which has set off a debate about what time window we should use to assess a CEO’s performance.



Are you looking for career leverage, a turning point that brings new change, respect from people and a higher salary? Are you thinking of an MBA as a means to reach your goals?

Why Do Companies Prefer MBAs?


The phrase “MBA preferred” gets a lot of play in Monster’s online job listings. But what does it really mean? According to the schools that educate them and employers that hire them, MBAs are sought after for their ability to think critically, deal with ambiguity and solve complex problems.