- Inherit the achievements of Consulting – Management Forum 2012 and create a captivating Forum which truly benefits business in economic scenario 2013.
- Demonstrate the quality of academic research
Why joining Consulting – Management Forum
- The biggest seminar on Corporate Governance in Ho Chi Minh City organized by one of the most prestigious universities in Vietnam
- Opportunity to meet and discuss with Vietnamese top businessmen
- Updating Vietnamese economic situation and challenges that enterprises are facing in 2013
- Experience sharing from economic experts and CEOs
- Networking among 400 businessmen from different industries
Who should attend
400 attendees, include:
- Government, City and surrounding Province authorities
- Trainers, researchers and key personnel in service and manufacture industries
- Professional consultants, top executives of consulting companies
- Experts and top executives who have essential roles in operation and development of the enterprises (CEO, CIO, COO, …)
- Individuals with desire to be leaders, intention of improving management skills and business results
- Consultants in specific fields: Information Technology, Taxation, Audit and Finance, etc.
- Senior students who have concern on business and have ambition to be young leaders