INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTING COURSEOBJECTIVESThis module introduces the particular features of the international consultancy markets and the specific characteristics of those involved in the markets (clients and consultants). It enables the students to recognize the relevance which is different environments (macro-economic, socio-cultural, political, legal, and natural) have to the consulting process. Case-studies on typical projects are the basis for developing a feeling for the distinctive aspects of international consulting assignments. At the same time, the module ensures that the students are provided with a uniform basic knowledge of management science in its international focus. This is the foundation for developing the ability to draw up internationally oriented consulting products.
1. Introduction to the Management Consulting Profession
- Consulting: Definition, concepts and philosophies
- Consultancy markets
o Volume, market segments and trends in international management consulting
o Regional aspects of international management consulting
- Clients
o Typologies of clients
o Determining factors for consultancy requirements
- Consultants
o Typology and roles
o House of competence for management consultants
2. Introduction to the Management Consulting Profession
- Basics of internationally oriented management science / international business
o Globalization and internationalization theories
o Consulting in foreign environments
o International aspects of functions in business administration (especially strategy/planning, organization, procurement, production, marketing, human resources management)
- Specific aspects of international consulting projects, case studies
- Dynamics and facts of the ASEAN Economic Integration (AEC)
(*) This scholarship will prioritize the international MBA candidate, who have plan for MBA study in 2017
Prof. Dr. Dieter Reineke |
– Professor at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). – Study Director of the MBA-MCI Vietnam – Head of executive programs on Management Consulting and Cooperation Management – Affiliated with UMI ASIA AG, MC2 Institute Ltd., and Meó Corporate Development See more about Prof. Dr. Dieter Reineke on linkedin |
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MBA – MCI PROGRAMRoom 306, Building A4 – HCM CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 268 Ly Thuong Kiet Str., Ward 14, Dist. 10, HCM City Tel: 0982 511 150 (Ms Giang), 093 88 99 885 (Mr Trình) Website: ADMISSION INTAKE 8: CLICK HERE |