On 22 June 2011, at the HCM University of Technology, the seminar content “Management Consulting” with the participation of Prof. Dr. Dieter Reineke, a leading expert in the field of Management Consultancy has attracted the attention of many members. Attendances in this day is not just managers from several large companies in Vietnam but also the participation of entrepreneurs from other countries such as Spain, India, Japan.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Reineke and participants
From the specialist‘s perspective, Management Consulting sector is closely linked with most of the business operations such as Finance, Marketing-Sales; Human Resources…Therefore, through this seminar, knowledge and latest information in the field of International Management Consulting has been transmitted, updated to paritcipants. With the method offers a variety of reality cases, situations and groups discussion, members have both the opportunity to chat, build relationships and have developed ability to think, diagnose, analyze and provide solutions to address the problem that Professor issued.
Today, global competition creates a great pressure, companies constantly change to survive and growth. Updating new administration thinking take an important role, especially with managers. Seminar is one of the activities that MBA-MCI program would recommend to people about the importance of the Management Consultant sector as well as the opportunity to reach the pinnacle in the career.
MBA-MCI Program