Company Visit – Exciting experiences


Company visits have become an annual activity of the Executive Master of Business Administration – Management Consulting International (MBA – MCI) at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. On Feb 18th 2012, MBA-MCI learners had chance to gain business consulting experience at The Bourbon Tay Ninh Joint Stock Company. Although the journey lasted longer than it had been planned, the students all felt happy and satisfied with the trip moments.


The coach carrying 35 people (both Professor and students) from more than 20 domestic and foreign companies departed HCM City University of Technology at 6:30 a.m and arrived at the manufacturing area of The Bourbon Tay Ninh Sugar Company at around 10 a.m.


The group was warmly welcomed by Ms. Truc – Assistant of General Director – also MBA-MCI student, Intake 2010 – 2012. Mr. Nguyen Ba Chu – The General Director of  Bourbon Tay Ninh Joint Stock Company began the visit with the introduction of company’s main features (history, development process, strategy, manufacturing scope…).



The questions arose continuously show the students’ interest in program module as well as company strategies. After having lunch with Board of Management, the student kept on being introduced the procedure for producing sugar technology.


The student groups were divided into 2 teams to visit the company from step of selecting input materials to making products.


The students were really impressed by giant manufacturing chain which has fully automatic operation into the self-contained process, applies European standard producing technology and does not require lots of human labor.


When the group observed operating process, it is realized that the real producing capacity is approximately 8000 – 9000 sugar tonnes/ day as Mr. Ba Chu mentioned before.

This trip brought MBA-MCI students exciting experiences, even for the ones with lots of working experiences at manufacturing companies.  


The journey ended with taking photo moments and small gifts that MBA-MCI Program gave to Bourbon Company as many thanks for providing support on giving students real chance to practice consulting strategy which is one of program studying content. MBA-MCI program has also made commitment to holding practical company visits so that the learners have more opportunities to methodically apply knowledge into reality.


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